Info Loker 3+  Terbaru Juli-Agustus 2023 PT Honda Prospect Motor

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Ilustrasi Honda Prospect Motor
Ilustrasi Honda Prospect Motor – Bagi kalian yang masih bingung untuk mencari kerja. Bisa dicoba mengajukan lamaran ke PT Honda Prospect Motor atau disingkat PT HPM. PT Honda Prospect Motor merupakan Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek Mobil Honda di Indonesia. Sebagai agen tunggal, PT Honda Prospect Motor merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan yang berhak mengimpor, merakit dan membuat kendaraan bermerk Honda di Indonesia.

Berikut loker yang tersedia

Deadline : 31 Jul 2023
Location : KARAWANG
Coordinate and maintain communication with labor-related third parties regarding employment activities, update and monitor the compliance and implementation of government-regulated employment policy.
As a staff, your role is to be a system analyst to improve work processes, manage working time and resources effectively, identify potential problems and find solutions, and improve self-competence.

Specific Requirement:
Bachelor of Law
Work under shifting hours
Placement in Karawang, West Java
General Qualifications:
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.0)
Independent and ready to work in manufacturing industry
Strong analytical thinking
Attention to detail
Discipline, firm and have a strong leadership
Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Have an interest in the automotive field (automobile)
Proficient in Ms. Office
Proficient in English (both oral & written)
Have a TOEIC/TOEFL Certification with minimum score 550 for TOEIC or 493 for TOEFL
COVID-19 vaccine certificate (dose 1-4)
Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)

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