Mau Jadi Operasional Manajer PT. Sari Rambut? Segini Gede Gajinya

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pt sari rambut – PT. Sari Rambut, perusahaan pembuatan wig untuk tujuan ekspor di bawah pengawasan para spesialis dari Swis kini sedang mencari kandidat untuk posisi Operasional Manajer. Perusahaan yang berdiri pada tahun 1998 itu tentu mematok beberapa kriteria bagi para kandita. Di antaranya adalah kandidat harus inovatif dan menguasai bahasa Inggris.

PT. Sari Rambut
Rp. 14.000.000 – Rp. 21.000.000 per bulan
Job brief
We are looking for a professional and experienced Operations Manager to coordinate and oversee our organization’s operations.
The Operations Manager role is mainly to implement the right processes and practices across the organization.
The specific duties of an Operations Manager include formulating strategy, improving performance, procuring material and resources and securing compliance. You should be ready to mentor your team members, find ways to increase quality of customer service and implement best practices across all levels.
Ultimately, we’ll trust you to help us remain compliant, efficient and profitable during the course of business.

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