PT Bali Moda Butuh Finance Controller, Yuk Gasken

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PT Bali Moda – PT Bali Moda, salah satu perusahaan garmen yang bonafide di Bali membutuhkan karyawan dalam bidang Finance Controller. Bagi kamu yang memiliki kualifikasi seperti di bawah ini. Yuk gasken melamar di perusahaan satu ini.

Job Description :
• Ensure that the group has adequate controls to prevent errors in financial reporting, processes and business operations
• Formulate policies and procedures to improve internal controls, compliance and efficiency
• Lead the process for internal controls reviews across the group
• Timely reporting on the internal control framework and control deficiencies to ensure appropriate communication, and documentations
• Timely action plans and monitor progress to address and resolve control deficiencies
• Actively seek standardization and automation, apply and implement best practices for managing internal controls and deploy innovative technology where possible to enhance and continuously improve the operating effectiveness of the controls, documentation, assessment and review procedures
• Develop and conduct adequate training and prepare related information material on the internal control objectives, approach and methodology on a regular basis to build knowledge and understanding of risks and control

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